Friday, April 2, 2010

art report #2

I went to this art exhibit back in December, so I don't really remember what it was all about. According to the brochure, which I had to look up online because I can't find the one I had.

Anyway, the collection is from the sisters of Margaret and Gwedoline Davies, who inherited the fortune of their father. This fortune helped to expand their interests in the art world that they had grown up in. The collection started off with some rather conservative purchase from Joseph Mallord and William Turner. They then went onto art of the vanguard with purchases from Jean Francois Millet and Honore Daumier.

The core of the collection is Impressionism art, with artists such as Monet, Cezanne and Manet, and Picasso. The last part of the collection is from the post-impressionist era, with artists such as Pierre Bonnard and Vincent Van Gogh, along with Augustus John and Walter Sickert.

Each part of the collection was cool and interesting. My favorite was the Water lilies by Claude Monet because the colors worked together to give you the feel of a pond in the early spring and summer mornings when the sun just starts to kiss the water with its light.

Overall the collection and show were very interesting and I really enjoyed seeing the collection and all the paintings in it.

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